Guide to set up the monitoring probe
How to download the probe
- Download the virtual machine ISO from the Shwett extranet (probe page) :

- Drop the ISO in the image part of your portal.
How to create the VM
- Create a virtual machine from your portal with the following configuration : 1 vCpu, 1 core, 1 Go RAM.
- Add a CD-ROM type disc and associate it the previously added ISO.
- Add disk type disk with 16 GB capacity. disque avec 16 Go de capacité.
- Add a network interface with internet access.
- Finalize virtual machine creation.
How to activate the monitoring probe
- The installation will start automatically, you will simply have to enter the password of your choice for the user.

- Once the installation completed, you just have to login with the user shwett and the password you entered :

- Refer to the activation your probe section for its activation.