Guide to set up the monitoring probe

How to download the probe

  1. Download the virtual machine ISO from the Shwett extranet (probe page) :
Installation de la sonde de supervision Shwett
  1. Drop the ISO in the image part of your portal.

How to create the VM

  1. Create a virtual machine from your portal with the following configuration : 1 vCpu, 1 core, 1 Go RAM.
  1. Add a CD-ROM type disc and associate it the previously added ISO.
  1. Add disk type disk with 16 GB capacity. disque avec 16 Go de capacité.
  1. Add a network interface with internet access.
  1. Finalize virtual machine creation.

How to activate the monitoring probe

  1. The installation will start automatically, you will simply have to enter the password of your choice for the user.
Choix du mot de passe pour l'installation de la sonde de supervision Shwett
  1. Once the installation completed, you just have to login with the user shwett and the password you entered :
Connexion utilisateur et de mot de passe lors de l'installation de la sonde de supervision Shwett
  1. Refer to the activation your probe section for its activation.

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