How to set up Microsoft Teams notifications
Teams link creation
- Connect to Teams and create a channel in the team you want to receive Shwett alerts :

Fill in the name and the channel description

- Next the channel you created, click on the 3 dotes and click on Connectors :

- In the popup, click on Configure button next the Incoming Webhook connector :

- To configure the connector, fill in the name and click on Create button :

- After clicking on Create, in the same popup, a URL appeared, keep it for the next steps :

Shwett extranet configuration
- Connect to SHWETT extranet : and go to the Notifications page :

- In the page that has just been displayed, click on the Add button :

- In the popup, copy the link generated from Teams in the URL field, enter a name, choose the channel and select which types of alerts to receive via this channel. Finally click on ADD to create the notification :